Welcoming and supporting new families

About Amesbury

Whilst your child is making new friends at school, the Friends of Amesbury (FOA) offers an opportunity for you to do the same! The group is responsible for welcoming and supporting new families, and for fostering a sense of community in the school principally by holding social events throughout the year. The committee is made up of two representatives from each year group (known as Class Reps) and they meet every half term. Reps are in their role for a calendar year and the Chair rotates every two years. All Amesbury parents are automatically offered the opportunity to connect with the FOA; your Class Rep will keep you up-to-date with any events and information about the FOA throughout the year.

Fun activities

FOA organises many fun activities for just parents (Amesfest), or the whole family (annual camp out and children’s festival fun in the school’s grounds). When we organise these events we sometimes build in an element of fundraising to enable the school to buy some specialist items for the children.

an image of children playing on ropes

Before your child starts school

  • School will provide you with the class rep contact details. Due to GDPR your details cannot be given to Class Reps. Please reach out to them directly, they will loop you into communications. They can then welcome you and your child to the school and will try to arrange for you to meet some of the other children and parents in the year group. Your Class Reps will also invite you to join the year group WhatsApp groups.
  • Your Rep will be a great source of informal know-how about the school – particularly useful during the Summer Holidays when the school is closed!
  • When your child starts school:
  • Your Class Reps guide you through your first year with reminders and information where necessary, such as uniform requirements for particular events.
  • Each term, your Class Reps will organise a coffee morning and often an evening social event for your year group, so that you begin to get to know everyone.

While your child is at school

  • You can volunteer to be a Class Rep, get involved in social events or to help in another way – it’s a great way to meet new people and support the school.
  • You can come along to our whole school social events – sometimes with your child and sometimes without.
  • You can advertise to the parent body in our regular Amesbury Ads – you can sell musical instruments, bikes etc. that you no longer need, and for marketing your own business.