The very best early years education

Little Amesbury

Baby Amesbury offers the very best early years education for children aged 9 months to 2 years.

The setting follows the Department of Education early years curriculum, to develop babies physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually, fostering a disposition for independent learning. Progress and developmental milestones are discussed with parents regularly and updates are posted using Blossom, termly targets and in learning journals.  We work hand in hand with parents and have an open-door policy encouraging a flow of two-way communication.


Developing Babies

Baby Amesbury has two settings, ‘Baby 1’ for the youngest children aged 9 months to 18 months, and ‘Baby 2’ for those aged 18 months to 24 months, or a baby that is particularly mobile at an early age.



Sessions run from 8am – 6pm daily, 49 weeks a year, the setting provides everything your child needs within the Little Amesbury building and utilising the breadth of the Amesbury School estate.

If you are interested in exploring a place for your baby please contact

See our wealth of five star reviews by parents of Little Amesbury parents on

Image of a toddler in the outdoor area