Food and nutrition - Amesbury School
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Building a healthy body and mind.


The children are offered healthy snacks and milk during break times in the morning and afternoon, we have an onsite chef who prepares delicious home cooked food daily. The Pre-nursery and Nursery eat their lunch in the Nursery classroom. Reception children eat their lunch in the dining hall in the main building which is family-style service. Those children who are signed in to the after school club eat a cooked tea at 4.30pm.

At Little Amesbury we promote healthy eating as part of our creative curriculum, we include activities that help children to learn about a healthy lifestyle and encourage children to make the correct choices, encompassing the changes in the EYFS curriculum 2021. We encourage children to be physically active, we have resourced the outside areas with bikes/trikes, hockey sticks, rugby and footballs, skipping ropes, netball hoops and tennis racquets. These are available to all children throughout the day in the outside classrooms where the children free-flow.

Throughout the year children learn about visits to the dentists, doctors and roles of people that help us achieve a healthy lifestyle. NHS England have supplied toothbrushes for every child enabling us to carry out the new EYFS curriculum about oral hygiene.

We promote good standards of personal hygiene, ensuring children wash hands before all snacks and lunch and after toileting. We encourage children to go to the toilet independently and work closely with parents when their child is toilet training. The children have access to outdoor areas all day every day and they have specialist PE and dance lessons every week.

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