Reception Classes Design Gruffalo Scarecrow for Thursley Scarecrow Trail - Amesbury School
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School News

During recent art lessons, our two Reception classes have been exploring the character of the wolf in fairy tales and learning how to use different effects in our drawings. On completing our wolf portraits we were asked if we would like to take part in the Thursley village scarecrow trail by entering a scarecrow of our own creation.

The theme of ‘Baddies from Books’ couldn’t have been more appropriate and we instantly thought when asked, ‘What would scarecrows?’ – ‘Why, of course, a GRUFFALO! The children soon got busy scrunching, stuffing, painting, gluing and transforming pieces of egg box into terrible tusks, teeth, claws and purple prickles. Before we could shout, ‘Oh help, oh no’, we had a finished Gruffalo!

Frankie describes the event perfectly – “My art teacher Mrs Tristram and the reception kids made this amazing Gruffalo which came third in the Thursley Scarecrow Trail. Georgie did the trail with me and we thought the Gruffalo was brilliant. If you were wondering, the Thursley Scarecrow Trail is a tradition for everyone in the village to make a scarecrow depending on the theme. This year’s theme was Baddies from Books. On the day you follow the trail from the village hall, all the way around the village, back to the hall and on the way you have to guess who the scarecrows are and at the end, you vote for your favourite scarecrow and whichever gets the most votes wins. This year the winner was the Highway Rat! There are lots of fun activities to do in the hall afterwards such as face painting, having your nails done, eating cupcakes and having a drink.”

The scarecrow trail was a great success and our Gruffalo won third place in the people’s vote. Thank you to Mrs. Laycock for inviting us to take part and a huge ‘well done’ to Owl and Hedgehog class who worked really hard and with great enthusiasm on this exciting project.

Mrs. Tristram
Head of Visual Art



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