Match Reports: Wednesday 29 November 2017 - Amesbury School
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U11A Netball v Duke of Kent

Won 16-0

Lady of the match: Jasmine

Player’s Players: Charlotte and Laura

Yet another fantastic match today for the U11A team. The girls played with great flow and control as they dominated the first quarter.  Goals were popped in left, right and centre as both Laura and Lucy were on fine form with their shooting technique. The mid court players, Charlotte, Milly, Lyla and Jazzy played superbly together, linking their passes together well and playing with fantastic timing. Despite our defence having very little to do, they were alert when needed, turning over possession  with ease.

After the first quarter Amesbury were leading 7-0.  This gave us the perfect opportunity to give the girls an experience in different positions.  The girls all rose to the occasion with the final score sitting at 16-0, despite all playing out of position.

very well done girls!

Mrs Dover


U11B V Duke of Kent

Won 10-0

Lady of the match: Isabella

Players player: Alice

A cold, chilly yet brilliant afternoon of matches.  The U11B had  played a super game against Duke of Kent school at home.  Flora and Isabella played brilliant together as the shooters with lots of movement in and around the D followed by some excellent shots.  Passing between the girls was firm, flat and accurate all the way down the court.  After the first quarter Amesbury were winning by 5 goals putting them in a strong lead for the rest of the match.  In the second quarter the girls continued to play brilliantly with fantastic signalling and moving into space.  When on the defence the girls all marked their players brilliantly followed by some flying interceptions.  At half time Amesbury were winning 8-0 and although hands were cold they really showed determination and commitment to the bitter end.  Lissie, Raphy and Alice were so strong in defence that they prevented Duke of Kent from scoring any goals.  Meanwhile Alice and Emily were great support around the D for our shooters.  At the end of the third quarter it was time for a real mix up of positions within the team.  Attack and defence swapped, however it was clear that nothing was going to stop Amesbury from coming away with a strong win.  It was brilliant to see the girls play in different positions and yet still be so determined with strong and accurate passing.  A real pleasure to umpire the U11B netball team and very well played to all the girls.  Well done.

Mrs Williams


U10A Netball v PGS

Won: 14-6

Players Player: Elsie

It was a freezing Wednesday afternoon at PGS. The girls were wrapped up warm and were ready to give it their all, and they did just that! They went out strong in the 1st quarter and took a 5-0 lead. There was great shooting from Elsie and Iona throughout the match and they worked well in the D together. At half time, the U10 A team scored 4 more goals to stretch the lead to 9-0.  In the third quarter PGS scored 5 goals and Amesbury scored 3 taking the score to 11 – 5. There was good movement in the centre quarter, especially from Isabelle I, Maia and Flora.  When the ball came down to defence in the match, Sophie and Jazzy intercepted with determination and watched the ball carefully. The team marked brilliantly and it was a great performance from the team, well played!

Mrs Page


U10B Netball vs PGS

Result Won 12-2

Player: Rebecca

After a quick warm up , the girls were ready to play PGS in freezing conditions in Portsmouth. Amesbury started brightly, scoring 3 goals in the first quarter. The ball was transferred with ease up the court due to fantastic movement and getting in front of players.

Amesbury continued to play with fluidity and skill, not giving PGS much of a chance to intercept or gain possession. At half time Amesbury led 5-0.

The second half was much the same with some lovely play. PGS started to mark much better and managed to score 2 good goals from slick moves of their own. The match finished 12-2 in Amesbury’s favour.

Well done girls.

Miss Toynton


Under 11A Rugby v Barrow Hills

The Under 11 A team travelled to Barrow Hills where they were involved in a fairly intense encounter with the Barrow Hills side. The focus for the match was on defensive line speed and the boys were much improved in this respect putting pressure on the opposition and forcing them to make handling errors. It also helped our defence by giving the opposition less space to run in thus making our tackling easier. Consequently, there was much committed tacking, but still some missed ones leading to the odd leaked score. There is still room for improvement as we became a little disorganised towards the end when we were also slow into the ruck, but, generally, the level of intensity was better than before and we were definitely worthy of our 9-6 victory. Much improved – well done!

Mr. Lawrence


U13 Squash v King Edwards

On a bitterly cold day the boys boarded a coach to barrow hills before hopping across to King Edwards in a coach, for an introduction and first few games of squash. The fact that this was to take place inside was an added bonus. After a quick introduction to the sport the boys were unleashed onto the courts to warm up and have a go at hitting the ball, which in their own words was, ‘Small and didn’t bounce very much.’ After this warm up period the  team played a round robin style set of games, playing different barrow hills pairs and swapping partners as well.

It is safe to say that they thoroughly enjoyed themselves and certainly got into the swing of things as the afternoon went on.

Well played everybody!

Mr Randall


U10A VIII Rugby v Barrow Hills

Score: 5-2

On a bitterly cold day, the Amesbury U10As took on Barrow Hills at home. Both teams appeared evenly matched and there were some thumping tackles from both sides.

Despite the numbing cold Amesbury were passing well and shifting the ball quickly away from contact. This opened up the game and provided some early opportunities to score. By half time, Amesbury had managed to score 2 trys and Barrow Hills had managed to counter with 1.

In the second half, the discipline and skill of the Amesbury boys was just too much for Barrow Hills. Despite managing to score 1 more try, this was no match for Amesbury’s 3 and the game ended with a final score of 5-2.

A super effort in bitter conditions.

Report by: Mr Balcombe


2nd team Netball Vs Duke of Kent
Score: 15-7
Players Player: Alice
Lady of the match: Anabelle

Despite the very cold conditions and long journey to the Duke of Kent, the 2nd team entered the game with energy and determination to put in a strong performance. The first half saw Amesbury neck and neck with Duke of Kent, finishing the first half drawing 5-5. The defensive performance in the first half from lady of the match Annie, as well as Sammy and Olivia was outstanding. All demonstrated some well timed interceptions as well as putting huge amounts of pressure on the opponents two shooters. This lead to Amesbury gaining the majority of possession in the first half, making it difficult for Duke of Kent to move the ball into their shooting third. The girls communication improved massively throughout the match, enabling the ball to move quickly through the centre court to the two shooters in our attacking D. Both Alice and Lottie shot with incredible confidence and ease, scoring a total of 15 goals. Not only the shooters, but also the centre court players worked well as a unit. Superb movement from Immy and Jenny allowed for fluid movement of the ball through the centre third. Charlie brought a new sense of energy when playing C in the last third, this allowed Amesbury to increase their lead significantly and helped lead to the 2nds most successful third, scoring 6 goals.

Overall I was not only impressed by the high standard of netball the girls played today, but was also blown away with how well they worked together as a team. Maddy, as captain, kept the girls focused and pumped, which resulted in the 2nds going home with a great win against a strong opposition. Well done girls, well deserved!

Miss Donaldson


Netball v Duke of Kent AWAY

Lost 19 – 11

Players Player: Emily and Gracie

Ladies of the Match: Dora and Betty

The match was played on a very cold day with a wind chill so as we had two extra players we kept changing people around after every quarter. They started well against very good opposition with lots of movement and play going from end to end. The score after the first quarter was 4 – 4 so the remainder of the game looked promising.

Sadly we didn’t score in the second quarter whilst Duke of York did score another 5 goals. It became evident that their goal shooter never missed and their Goal Defence was extremely nippy and very good at marking which made is difficult for Gracie to get the ball. She was marked out of the game leaving Emily to shoot a distance away from the goal.

We started scoring again in the third quarter with the score at the end 13 – 7. The opposition were marking our girls very tightly which meant that a lot of balls were intercepted or we gave away shots with silly or long passes. This then led to a turn over of the ball which they inevitably scored from.

After another change around we had Betty shooting (which she managed admirably) and Lara at GD again playing very well. The girls had 5 minutes of amazing play when everything clicked and the goals went in, all credit to the team of Betty and Gracie where Betty’s height really proved to be an advantage in shooting and getting the rebounds. Both teams managed to score 5 goals a piece.

Advice for future matches would be more support is needed around the circle for the shooters and quicker passes from the goal line to prevent the opposition from re grouping. The mid court play from Georgie, Bo, Libby and Dora was great when not marked but often they tended to bunch up and weren’t always aware of their positioning in relation to the others in the team. Dora notably was buzzing around getting from her opposition and helping to get that ball to the circle.

It was a very friendly match with a high standard of play. The Duke of Kent teacher did say that her team were very strong so the girls should not feel downbeat about the result. They played well and just need to remember what to work on for the next match.

Report by Mrs Crathern


U10C’s rugby v Barrow Hills

Score: Amesbury 6 v 12 Barrow Hills

The opening exchanges were largely dictated to by the quality of attack as the boys quickly broke through the Barrow Hills defence. Unfortunately our defence also came under attack and a quick succession of try’s helped Barrow Hills take the lead in a half that otherwise took turns in scoring. In the second half Amesbury again started with a bang but once again a flurry of late try’s helped Barrow Hills take the win. The quality of defence was a greatly improved in the second half and going forward shows great potential for future games.

Report by: Mr O’Reilly


U11C Netball vs Conifers
Won 4-1
Players player: Camilla
Lady of the Match: Clara

This week the U11C’s had a home match and were up against Conifers. Despite the freezing weather, the girls had a great warm up and the match was soon underway. The first quarter started off well with one goal being scored by Amesbury. As centre, Ruby used strong and accurate shoulder passes to quickly move the ball up the court towards the attacking D. By half time the score was 4-0. The U11C’s were all working well together and showing some fantastic determination to get the ball. As shooters, Lucy and Emily did a super job at creating space in the D which allowed for some great goals to be scored. During the third quarter Anna marked her player tightly in the D, limiting the number of shots at goal. Camilla performed many great intercepts against her player, jumping high into the air and snatching the ball in. Going into the final quarter the score was still 4-0. In the centre third Clara consistently drove strongly for the ball, getting free from her defender and giving her teammates passing options. As well as this, Mia worked hard at chasing down any loose balls and followed up with strong passes that helped move the ball swiftly up the court. A fantastic game girls with lots of improvements seen. A well deserved win!

Miss O’Sullivan


U9B v Ripley Court

The U9B’s were all very excited this week for their match against Ripley Court. The girls all played hard and worked fantastically as a team which was great to see. After a quick warm up the girls got straight into their match. At Amesbury’s attacking end both Sophie and Maisy did a fantastic job at driving strongly through the D to get the ball. This opened up space and resulted in some great goals scored. Going into the second quarter the score was 3-2. The ball was constantly moving up and down the court and the U9B’s showed great commitment, chasing down and snatching in any loose balls. In the defensive D Francesca and Merry worked hard to mark their players tightly, making it difficult for many scoring opportunities to arise. By half time the score was even at 3-3. The third quarter saw both teams score 1 goal, keeping the scores even at 4-4. Lily did some super strong and accurate shoulder passes through the centre court, helping move the ball down towards Amesbury’s attacking end. Although no more goals were scored in the final quarter the girls put in 100% until the very end. Clever and skilful dodging was performed by Victoria and Tamzi, helping them get free from their defenders and providing their teammates with lots of passing opportunities. It was great to see another super game by the U9B’s as they constantly improve each week. Well done girls!

Miss O’Sullivan


U10B Rugby v Barrow Hills
Won 9 – 3 (tries)

On a very cold afternoon, Amesbury were keen to improve their performance from last week. The game started very well for us, scoring inside the opening minutes with some excellent running and offloading in the contact. We went three tries up fairly early on, and then continued to control the game throughout. Barrow Hills did manage to get back into the game as it wore on, and this was due to some lazy defensive work where we didn’t step up as a line, allowing the opposition to find the gaps. Although there were improvements needed defensively, we were just too strong for Barrow Hills in attack, eventually running out comfortable winners. We must improve our defensive line, and our rucking intensity, before the visit of Hoe Bridge next week.

Mr Rouse


Amesbury 2nd XII Rugby vs Barrow Hills 1st XII

Amesbury 5, Barrow Hills 5

This was an entertaining game played between two very evenly matched sides. Both teams played some really good rugby and the lead changed hands several times. Fergus and Max ran strongly in attack whilst Samuel and Charlie tackled bravely in defence. With minutes to play Amesbury held a slender one try lead. However, with almost the last play Barrow Hills scored to level the scores. A draw was probably a fair result. Well done to all the boys.

Mr Donaldson

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