Match Reports: Wednesday 4th October 2017 - Amesbury School
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U11A Netball v The Royal School

Won: 12 – 0

Players Player: Jasmine J

The U11As played brilliantly as a team  on Wednesday against The Royal School.  They passed accurately and with power behind the ball, they all marked their players well and accelerated into space when they were on the attack.  Lyla and Jasmine worked well together in centre court. After the 1st quarter it was 3-0 and at half time it was 6-0. Some great goals from Charlotte, Lucy and Laura.  The Royal School worked hard and showed a great fighting spirit and determination. Super interceptions from Lissie and Katie in defence. At the end of the third quarter it was 9-0 and in the last quarter the U11As moved around positions, for example the Centre moved to Goal Shooter (and scored 2 goals there!). There was good pace and they played well as a team, winning the match at the end 12- 0, well played girls. Mrs Page


U10C’s football vs Seaford and Barrow Hills

Score: Amesbury 2-0 Seaford, Amesbury 2-0 Seaford

With Autumn setting in and the boys entering the second half of the season it was clear they are in full swing. Amesbury’s first game was against Seaford and the boys were relentless. Pressuring the defence and midfield, staving them of opportunities. Sadly the boys had four attempts on goal with no successful. The second half was lot more clinical and the fruits of their effort was coming to light with two superb goals. Both attacks starting in defence closing down the space, attacking wide and crossing in.

The second game was against Barrow Hills. It went off with a bang as we converted our first corner. Barrow Hills worked hard and often looked to play over our defence with no success. Our defence stood strong and the midfield were clinical. Barrow Hills in the second half made two long range efforts but nothing was getting past our solid goal keeping performance. The game ended with a goal from another well structured play on the counter attack. Great game with a superb effort by all.

Report by: Mr O’Reilly


1st XI Football v Barrow Hills Lost 0-3

Report: A disappointing result, perhaps a little harsh on us but the better, more determined team won, quicker to the ball and more precise with their passing. We did create a couple of good chances but their keeper was in good form. It was 1-0 for a long time but two late goals sealed the defeat.

Report by Mr Hamilton


Under 10A Cranleigh Netball Tournament

Lady of the tournament: Flora C

Joint 3rd place

The girls worked extremely hard on the netball court on what was a lovely sunny afternoon.  The tournament took a round robin format, with the girls playing 6 matches. They played some lovely netball, linking their passes together nicely.  The shooters soon found their flow, after the first few matches where we had quite a few misses.  Iona and Elsie then started to move more freely in the circle and jump for their rebounds.  Our defence worked tirelessly to intercept the ball and turned over possession really well. Isobel W and Sophie should be mentioned for their well timed ‘tips’ and tight marking.  We had some lovely games against The Royal (won 9-0), Barrow Hills (won 2-1) and Westbourne House (2-2), with some harder matches against Twyford (lost 3-6) and Cranleigh (lost 2-4).

Flora was the lady of the tournament though; she controlled the game well at centre and showed marvellous sportsmanship.

Well done to you all on a lovely tournament.  Mrs Dover


1st v Bohunt
Won 32-0
Lady of the match: Georgie

What a game for the girls over Bohunt! From the starting whistle they went out strong, with a real desire to win. In defence Lara, Emily, Georgie and Bo made some fantastic interceptions followed by strong passing down the court. Libby and Dora worked brilliantly together on centre court with accurate passing and elevation to receive the ball. All the shooters were on fire today. Gracie, Betty and Alice all demonstrated confidence and skill when shooting. A number of goals were scored from the edge of the D! In the last quarter we had a shuffle around of positions and Dora put herself forward to try GS. To her surprise she was very successful at scoring demonstrating excellent movement around the D and lovely passing with Alice as GA. This afternoon the girls really worked well together as a team with lots of passion and drive from start to finish. Let’s keep up enthusiasm and motivation to succeed! Well done. Mrs Williams

2nd’s Netball vs Bohunt
Lost 9-17
Players Player: Emily
Lady of the match: Isabella

The 2nd’s were up against Bohunt for this weeks match, and due to the later start than normal they were able to have a great warm up and prepare for it. From the very beginning of the match the girls knew it was going to be tough, the ball constantly travelling up and down the court with both teams scoring. The two shooters, Emily and Isabella did a great job at moving through the D and scoring some great goals. At half time the score was 4-8 with Amesbury trailing. Some strong passing between Jenny and Immy helped move the ball down the court towards the attacking end, creating opportunities for Amesbury to score. Although the 2nd’s were down 6-11 going into the fourth quarter they kept fighting for the ball! Charlie and Maddy showed determination as they persistently chased down any loose balls and snatched them in. The defenders, Olivia, Lottie and Annie, all worked extremely hard at marking their players and as a result some fantastic interceptions were seen. Although the 2nd’s did not come out with the win it was a great game and they all worked very hard.

Miss O’Sullivan

U11C Netball vs The Royal
Won 9-3
Lady of the match- Ruby
Today was a great day for netball and the girls put on a great performance right from the get go. The U11C’s have definitely showed how they have improved over the past few weeks. They were organized, determined and showed some excellent movement and passing. The girls worked well together and their communication was superb. They never gave up, put in great amounts of effort and motivated one another throughout the whole match. It was a great win and they should be extremely proud of their performance. Well done U11C’s, keep up the good work!!
By: Miss Bussey
Under 11 A Football versus Seaford and Barrow Hills
Amesbury 1 Seaford 1
Amesbury 1 Barrow Hills 1
The Amesbury Under 11 A team played a triangular tournament at Barrow Hills last Wednesday and performed well against both Seaford and Barrow Hills. There was plenty of effort and determination and some excellent football as well at times. Both matches followed a similar pattern with us taking the lead by a single goal early on only to have victory snatched away later due to the opposition capitalising on a momentary lapse of concentration. Both Louis (against Seaford) and Jake ( Barrow Hills) took their goals well. Louis’ a well-directed header at the back post from a corner and Jake’s a accurately struck shot giving the keeper no chance. However, we will need to create more chances to be sure of victory in future. For short periods we passed and moved the ball well, keeping it in space and allowing us the possession to be able to build and create some good chances, but we are not yet doing this consistently. Well done today – some good performances, but there is always plenty to work on!  Mr. Lawrence

U10 D football vs Barrow Hills


A warm sunny afternoon for a game of football. The team were very up for playing Barrow Hills, and started in fantastic fashion, with some lovely passing and movement around the ball. The game was fairly evenly matched until just before half time where the team managed to put together a fantastic bit of play to score. The sore entering half time was 1-0.

Sadly the boys were unable to capitalise on some great opportunities in the second half and the score remained 1-0.  Mr Randall


Amesbury U11C VII v Barrow Hills (Football)

Score: 3-0

The Amesbury U11C were treated to a glorious day for football and they did not disappoint the spectators. Barrow Hills arrived with a skilful side and the first half was mainly Amesbury defending and battling to get the ball out of the midfield into more attacking positions. The first half ended 0-0.

Amesbury took to the filed for the second half and instantly began playing a wider, more expansive game. The fitness of the Amesbury team began to show as they were increasingly eating Barrow Hills to the ball and not once did they give up on a challenge. The pressure on the Barrow Hills defence grew and grew until in the space of minutes, Amesbury managed to knock 3 superb goals past the Barrow Hills goalkeeper. A further attempt skimmed the upright and then it was all over. A fabulous 3-0 victory for Amesbury. Mr Balcombe

Where now?