U11A & U10A King Edward's Netball Tournament - Saturday 30th September 2017 - Amesbury School
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U11A King Edward’s School Netball Tournament

On Saturday the U11A Netball team all had an early start, meeting at King Edward’s School, Witley for the annual Netball Tournament. From the moment the girls arrived they were keen and motivated to play some excellent netball. Each match was 5 minutes each way with only a very short half time talk.

Amesbury v Thomas’s Kensington
Won 5-1
What a brilliant match to start the tournament with! The girls played superbly demonstrating fluency in their passing with team spirit from beginning to end. Lyla, Charlotte and Jazzy intercepted the ball with confidence and control. Lucy was on fire with her shooting and proceeded to score 5 goals in total. The team worked well together with excellent communication and deserved such a brilliant win.

Amesbury v Thomas’s Fulham
Won 4-1
The second game for the girls and they continued to play with enthusiasm showing a real want for the ball. At half time the score was 1-1 and therefore if they wanted to win this they were going to have to go out hard and work for it. The next 5 minutes proved to be fast and feisty! The girls worked the ball up the court to Lucy and Charlotte who went on to score 3 goals between them. As GK Sienna watched the ball well and was ready to catch or intercept anything that came her way before sending it back down the court. Another excellent game. Well played.

Amesbury v Thomas’s Battersea
Won 4-2
The girls were on a winning streak and have such a great time playing fabulous Netball. In the first half the girls signalled well while sprinting in space and really used the width of the court. In the defending D Katie and Raphy demonstrated excellent marking and were determined to not let their players lose them, making it hard for the opposition to feed the ball into the D to shoot. All the girls really worked hard showing fantastic elevation to pull the ball in so that it was not intercepted. Lucy continued to shoot brilliantly with her and Laura scoring 4 goals in total. Well played everyone.

Amesbury v St Hilary’s
Lost 2-5
This was always going to be a tough game. Both schools had won the previous three matches played and therefore knew they had to go out strong. In the first half St Hilary’s just had the edge over Amesbury and score 3 goals. At half time the girls knew they just had to close that gap and really work hard in the next 5 minutes. Laura went on to score 2 brilliant goals but unfortunately Amesbury were just not able to hold off the opposition and they also scored 2 goals. The first loss of the day but the team were still in high spirits and were now focused on the next game.

Amesbury v The Study
Lost 2-6
This was the second match to played in a row which meant the girls were now starting to feel tired. They went out strong, taking the lead with Lucy scoring 2 goals. In defence Katie, Charlotte and Sienna all marked their players well, making great interceptions followed by strong accurate passing back down the court. The Study suddenly upped their game and went on to score 6 goals in total. The girls were brilliant in that that continued to fight back and work hard to the final whistle.

Amesbury v Thomas’s Clapham
Lost 8-0
From the start it was clear that this was going to be another tough match for the girls. They were focused, feisty and had a real want for the ball Lyla, Jazzy and Katie were really working hard at snatching every ball that came their way and were determined to not let it go. In the first half Raphy took a fall meaning she unfortunately had to come off. Luckily Charlotte was ready to step in and play as WD. By this time the girls were tired and struggling to keep up with the speed of the game and unfortunately for them Thomas’ Clapham scored 8 goals.

Amesbury v Barrow Hills
Drew 3-3
The last match of the tournament and again Amesbury took the lead in the first half. Every single member of the team worked well together showing excellent movement down the court, dodging to lose their players and accurate passing between each other. Lucy scored 2 goals before half time. The girls knew they had to continue to work hard for just another 5 minutes as Barrow Hills could easily bring this back. The opposition did score 3 goals, however Charlotte did not let the pressure get to her and scored the third goal for Amesbury making it a draw.

A super morning and very well done to the U11A girls. They played 7 hard matches in total and worked extremely hard from start to finish. It was a pleasure coaching and umpiring for them. Very well done to the team.

Mrs Williams


U10A Netball v King Edwards Netball Tournament

Drew: 1
Won: 2
Lost: 5

The weather stayed dry and the girls were ready to warm up promptly at 8.30am at King Edwards School Witley. There were only 7 girls playing, no reserves and Flora kindly agreed to play at short notice. There was pressure to have no injuries throughout the tournament and they warmed up thoroughly and with super energy. There were 9 teams in the U10 Pool and they were 5 minutes each way, at one point the U10s had to play 3 matches on the trot!

Their 1st match was against St Hilary’s, the final score was a draw: 2-2. This was a super warm up match, the ball travelled end to end and there was great movement on the court. The team linked some great shoulder passes and intercepted the ball with commitment.


Their second match which was immediately after was against Hoebridge, we knew this would be a tough match, however the U10s worked hard and made sure they marked their players tightly. The score was 2-0 to Hoebridge (who came 3rd overall), but Amesbury U10 A team endeavoured to give Hoebridge very few chances to shoot.


After a break to re fuel, their third match was against Thomas’s Kensington, the team were really positive about the forthcoming match and created wonderful space on the court and accurate footwork. The shooter scored some great goals and the won this match 4-2. The next match was straight after and this was against


The Study, this was going to be another tough match (they came 2nd overall). The U10A team lost this match 3-0, but in 5 minutes each the ball travelled both ends and it was a close match.


Their 3rd match was against Thomas’s Clapham, the girls were beginning to get tired although remained positive. The final score in this match was 5-3 to Thomas’s Clapham.


Finally there was a breather for the girls to catch their breath, have water and snacks (I have never seen mars bars be eaten so quickly!). It must have given them the energy they needed as they then went on to win their 6th match against Thomas’s Battersea 3-2, such an exciting match, the U10s were losing at half time and then came back in the second half to win.


Another match off and 2 more matches left to play. The next one was against Barrow Hills, this could have gone either way, it was so close… Barrow Hills won in the last few seconds of the match 2-1.


The final match was against Thomas’s Fulham (this team won the U10 Tournament), the U10s were tired by this stage, no reserves, no fresh legs to come on, they had played their socks off and the opposition were hungry and took the lead early on. The final score was 7-2.


It was a fantastic performance from the U10s, Elsie and Iona scored some wonderful goals under pressure. Isabelle P-B, Isabelle I, Flora worked relentlessly in centre court, some very good shoulder passing and use of the width of court. Sophie and Millie marked brilliantly in the D and intercepted passes that came into the D, clearing the ball under pressure. 8 matches played and a duration of an hour and 20 minutes on court , I was very proud of their team spirit and perseverance, well done.

Mrs Page

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